Tim broke into the construction industry at a young age as a union ironworker. This included erecting steel and laying rebar on countless buildings and some of the largest bridges New York has to offer. After almost 40 years now, the concepts that make up a structure haven’t changed much. Tim has become an expert on how loads and weights settle and transfer. After learning the concept of jacking bridges as a young 20-year-old, the concept of jacking houses is not very different. The transition from ironworker to all-around structural repair specialist did not happen overnight but it was meant to be.
Tim likes to tell people his son and daughter were mixing concrete at seven and eight years old and that is not a lie. That is where I come in. I am Tim’s son Jake. I started working for my dad at fifteen years old on weekends and summers off from school. Fast forward another fifteen years and now we are a father and son team. This is the only job I have ever had and I plan on keeping it that way. My dad’s career experiences are being transferred to me now as we work together to own and operate Diggs Building Technologies Corp.